Choreographing martial arts scenes in cinema is no easy feat. On average, films require 2-5 takes of each angle during production, so one can imagine how difficult it would be to choreograph, perform, and execute convincing Judo techniques on screen. The action-packed short film “Dojo” accomplishes this seemingly effortlessly. Written and produced by Jon Paul (who also plays Shane Lucas) and directed by Armin Alic, Dojo is an incredible example of bringing one’s expertise to the silver screen. ZIFA was honored to interview Jon Paul regarding the making of Dojo, which will be featured at the Zepsgiving bi-annual screening event this November, 2023.

ZIFA: What inspired you to create this action-packed film? Any influences? 

Jon: What inspired me was my own favorite action-packed films from my childhood that I wanted to display again for this film. Some of my favorite action-packed films include Hard Target and Bloodsport with Van Damme, Unleashed with Jet Li, and The Matrix with Keanu Reeves.

ZIFA: Where did you film it? And how long did it take?

Jon: We filmed everything at my actual dojo where I train in real life, and it took us three days to complete everything.

ZIFA: Can you talk about how you went about the choreography?

Jon: The choreography was done by putting together a list of fight sequences I had listed from my own experience fighting and playing around with which techniques we wanted to showcase on film. Everyone in the crew are actual Judoka/stuntmen that have tons of experience and are easily able to adapt to taking falls, coming in with their own techniques, having perfect reaction timing, and adjusting quickly when needed.

ZIFA: What was the biggest challenge you faced during production and/or post-production?

Jon: The biggest challenge during production would have to be trying to get everyone together to shoot on the exact dates because we had to postpone the production itself about three times due to scheduling conflicts and people in the crew catching COVID at the time, including myself. For post-production, it would have to be creating the original score music and getting everything else, such as the voice-over work and sound design, done in a timely manner so that we could start submitting to the film festivals that we wanted to submit to.

ZIFA: What was the most memorable moment on set? 

Jon: For me it would have to be when Justin Harris, one of the Yakuza crew members actually punched me hard in my stomach as we were really getting into our fight scene at that moment!

ZIFA: Where and how did you come up with the concept?

Jon: The concept for "Dojo" was a combination of different things. A few would be my own raw experience traveling and competing as a martial artist myself, wanting to create something more original in the world of cinema, and expressing my greatest desires to portray everything that I love from my own favorite films of all time… and put those into my own film so the world can watch it. 

ZIFA: Any lessons learned or things you would have done differently?

Jon: What I learned while making "Dojo" was being a good team player and learning to be patient if you want to perfect your craft. When it comes to filmmaking and anything that you truly want to accomplish in life, you have to plant the seeds first and get into a state of flow where you are enjoying the process and are fully connected as a whole.

ZIFA: Any advice for aspiring filmmakers?

Jon: My advice would be to focus on your strengths in the creative process in the beginning, and don't limit yourself to anything. Let all of your creativity out and truly enjoy the process of filmmaking as it is just as important as the destination.

ZIFA: Any upcoming projects?

Jon: Yes! We are currently working on our next film called "The Way", which is a feature film that covers the full story of "Dojo" in greater detail.

ZIFA: How can we find you and follow your work?

Jon: You can find my work by visiting our official movie website to watch the latest updates on our film and for our upcoming feature film "The Way." You can also follow my social media handles at and for updates on the film and on myself.

Interview by: Alicia Oberle Farmer


